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Crayon Box Song, The


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The B-I-B-L-E

The Crayon Box Song

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Verse, The

Wise Man Built His House, The



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The Crayon Box Song

Written by William V. Mason, posted with permission

Listen to music (MIDI file) »

When I was just a little child

No higher than your knee,

My mother bought a box of crayons,

Just for me.

I picked them up and I opened them up

And I looked way down inside,

And the colors there reminded me

Of Jesus when He died.

O… Red is the color of the blood that He shed,

Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.

Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;

And yellow is for the Christian who's afraid to tell.

I colored and I colored

'Til the crayons were all gone,

And though I am much older now,

The mem'ry lingers on.

And when I see a little child

With crayon box in hand,

I tell them what they mean to me

And hope they'll understand.

O… Red is the color of the blood that He shed,

Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.

Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;

And yellow is for the Christian who's afraid to tell.

Afraid to tell of a Savior

Who died on Calvary,

He died for lowly sinners

Just like you and me;

And someday soon He's coming back

To be our King,

And the colors of the crayon box

We will sing!

O… Red is the color of the blood that He shed,

Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.

Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;

And yellow is for the Christian who's afraid to tell.

So, don't you be a Christian, who's afraid to tell!


Lyrics from children's Bible songs taught in church, Bible class, and Vacation Bible School (VBS).

The Crayon Box Song

Written by William V. Mason, posted with permission

Listen to music (MIDI file) »

When I was just a little child

No higher than your knee,

My mother bought a box of crayons,

Just for me.

I picked them up and I opened them up

And I looked way down inside,

And the colors there reminded me

Of Jesus when He died.

O… Red is the color of the blood that He shed,

Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.

Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;

And yellow is for the Christian who's afraid to tell.

I colored and I colored

'Til the crayons were all gone,

And though I am much older now,

The mem'ry lingers on.

And when I see a little child

With crayon box in hand,

I tell them what they mean to me

And hope they'll understand.

O… Red is the color of the blood that He shed,

Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.

Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;

And yellow is for the Christian who's afraid to tell.

Afraid to tell of a Savior

Who died on Calvary,

He died for lowly sinners

Just like you and me;

And someday soon He's coming back

To be our King,

And the colors of the crayon box

We will sing!

O… Red is the color of the blood that He shed,

Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.

Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;

And yellow is for the Christian who's afraid to tell.

So, don't you be a Christian, who's afraid to tell!

Printed from ChildBibleSongs.com